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Event Reports

  1. Assessment of knowledge and assessment of students regarding SDGs
  2. Awareness Session on Sexual and reproductive Health
  3. Comunity Outreach activity for Education
  4. LUMHS comunity outreach programs for wider comunity
  5. LUMHS contribution to plan strategies
  6. LUMHS contribution towards sports
  7. LUMHS Participation in Regional Cross-Sectoral Dialogues
  8. LUMHS Participation Sindh HEC for SDGs
  9. LUMHS Publication 2023
  10. Mental Health Support for Staff and Faculty
  11. Mental Health Support for Students
  12. 3 Days Course on SDGs
  13. Clean, Green and Smoke Free LUMHS
  14. LUMHS collaboration and research, review comparative approaches for tackling the SDGs
  15. LUMHS Students making contributions to Education at Schools
  16. LUMHS Digital Educational Resources
  17. LUMHS Events for General Public
  18. Wellebing Centre Report 2023
  19. Support for Disable Persons
  20. Report on Sustainable Development Goal-3 (Good Health and Wellbeing)
  21. MoU between LUMHS & SWF
  22. Overall Report on Sustainable Development Goal-17
  23. LUMHS Host Workshops & Trainings for General Public
  24. LUMHS Engaging Local Schools through Outreach and Counseling
  25. Overall Report on Sustainable Development Goal-4
  26. Overall Report on Sustainable Development Goal-10