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payment Process

Account Number 25557000104901 Habib Bank Limited

Refer to Admission offered by LUMHS, and please pay fees as per above given Account Number. Following is the process to pay Fees:


To pay via IBFT, follow these steps:

  1. Log on the online banking account
  2. Select the 'Fund Transfer' option
  3. Select HBL as the beneficiary bank
  4. Enter account number as mentioned above
  5. Beneficiary name must show as LUMHS Institute for “Institute of Health Management
    and Research Sciences
  6. A beneficiary added successfully message should appear
  7. Transfer the fee amount, click Confirm a 'Transaction Successful' message should appear
    on your screen
Please note that candidate will have to use ACCOUNT NUMBER (as mentioned above) as Beneficiary account in the DEPOSIT SLIP at any Branch of Habib Bank Limited (ACCOUNT TITLE WOULD BE ‘Institute of Health Management and Research Sciences) for payment of Fees in cash.

Please note
Payment will be acknowledged next working day after confirmation from our Banker. The candidate is also required to email photo of online/cash submission receipt on info@lumhs.edu.pk as proof of payment.

For any query you may email to info@lumhs.edu.pk