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The purpose of Nursing research conference is to provide one avenue for learning about current practice changes occurring at other facilities. It enables Nurses making evidence-based changes in their capacity to share those findings at a conference first.
Nursing conferences are valid ways to help keep you up-to-date with the latest advancement in the healthcare system, gain insight into the future of the profession, network with other nursing professionals in your state and across the country, and develop new skills to improve patient care in your clinical area.


  1. To create space for presentation of current results of scientific world in the field of nursing.
  2. To prepare the nurses to face the advance challenges of the century.
  3. To prepare the nurses to integrate the advance nursing research into the practice.
  4. To provide opportunities for developing research oriented standard nursing care.
  5. To foster and enhance collaborations and partnerships in educational, research and clinical setting.

Why it is important for a nurse to Attend a Nursing Conference?

  1. Networking – participating in nursing conferences would give a nurse to meet, interact and make contacts with experts and other health professionals in their respective field. Many times a nurse will get a chance to interact with educators, researchers and clinicians who are recognized as an expert in their respective field. As a result, nurses would have a real time opportunity to entertain their queries and concerns with the experts. Furthermore, nurses would develop network with other nurses and other experts around the country.

  2. Continuing Education and skill development – nursing conferences offer a chance for you to learn about several educational advancements in one place. Presentations are designed to introduce you to new technologies, train you to use new equipment, or provide you with the opportunity to attend break-out sessions where you learn about the latest advances in your specialty area. Consider nursing conferences to be a one-stop opportunity to get up-to-date with the latest technologies and practices.

  3. Career advancement – keeping up with new advances in the profession will help you to advance your career and potentially allow you to earn more money. Employers like to see that you are committed to your job and attending conferences is one way you can show your employer that you are lifelong learner. Some conferences provide you with special training sessions for new equipment or technologies that will benefit the patients and unit where you work. Take advantages of these opportunities by volunteering to be the lead trainer for new technology on the unit where you work. The new skills you can obtain may help train other staff members in your unit, receive a job promotion, or expose you to new business opportunities.

  4. Advancement of the profession – when more nurses recognize the importance of continuing their skills through additional training and continuing education opportunities then nursing will continue to be recognized as a solid, scientific profession. A profession is a body of individuals

Topic and Tracks

  • Research
  • Education
  • Clinical